Tech Edge Weekly

Tech Blog

Month: June 2020

Five Simple Things you can do to be more Secure Online

Growing technology is giving a competitive advantage to the world but at the same time exposing them to the potential and devastating threats. People need to be extra cautious while using a different online platform a little bit of negligence…

7 Ways to Get the Best out of your Tech Project

To get a coding job, you may first need to complete a reasonable-sized programming assignment to act as concrete evidence that you have the expertise you need. Sadly, that may be challenging, and even the best candidates may find it…

How to get Instagram followers and likes? Check out the details below!

Instagram is the widely known social media application which is holding a huge fan base globally; this is the reason that several brands are using it to promote their products. Nowadays, almost every one of us is having an Instagram…

5 Things to Consider Before Starting a Blog

Everyone is thriving to run their blog nowadays. What according to you starting a blog mean? Using a different platform like WordPress and Wix, writing your content, and sharing with the world. But it is far more than that. Starting…


What Is The Best NMZ Training To Opt.? A Guide For NMZ

We can play games all day and night never getting bored. To maintain the interest of players a new nightmare zone is added into the old school RuneScape game which is also known as NMZ. The content was added to…