Tech Edge Weekly

Tech Blog

Month: February 2022

Why Having a Source for Laptop Repair is Important?

At the present time, it is almost impossible to think about our lives without laptops. They have become a highly important source of entertainment, income, and education. So, when anything goes haywire with the laptop, everything seems to get unbalanced,…

Cybersecurity In The E-Commerce/Payments Industry

E-commerce is the fastest growing industry in the world. In 2020, online purchases accounted for 32.4%. Consumers spent over $800 billion. Cybercriminals see this as more money to steal and weak spots for more opportunities to exploit for their own…

How to Allocate Your Marketing Spending for Best Results

Are you a business owner wondering why your marketing strategies aren’t working? Well, the problem may be that you’re allocating your marketing budget to the wrong avenues. Usually, small businesses spend roughly 7% of their revenue on marketing. But, few…


6 Easy Ways to Customize Your Mac Quickly

macOS is a feature-rich operating system that offers an intuitive, convenient, flawless interface that users admire. No matter how proficient you are with Mac, there are a lot of settings that are still left unused, especially if you do not…

Top trends in technologies to keep an eye in 2022

Never as in recent years, technological innovation is having an extraordinary impact on our lives, on our habits and, above all, on our work. Should we look to the future with optimism or suspicion? The latest technology that has changed…


Excelling at Excel: 15 Useful Excel Tips for Beginners

Are you feeling intimidated when it comes to Excel? There’s good news if so – it doesn’t have to stay that way! While helpful, Excel can seem mysterious and overwhelming. Excel is a computer program that helps you do calculations…

Equipment You Need For Your Biopharma Lab

When you’re starting a lab, you need the right biopharmaceutical equipment. You will have a hard time conducting research and fulfilling your duties without the right items at your disposal. This guide will help you choose the best equipment for…

The Best Way To Print A PDF In .NET Applications

Dealing with PDF files in C# can be difficult for beginners. Though, when it comes to printing PDFs, there are a few different options available to .NET developers. In this article, we will take a look at the best way…

How to Pick Software Development Companies: What You Need to Know

Are you in the market for new business software? Do you worry that you don’t know the proper steps to choose the best solution for your needs? More than 60 percent of businesses have moved some of their processes to…

SpookySwap Review

Spookyswap is a cryptocurrency that has grown swiftly in the previous year. If we seem to be at the rate of Spookyswap, we see that it has improved via a great percentage. We see that in 2021 the crypto market…