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5 Ways IoT Help Hospitals Improve Efficiency & Reduce Costs

Internet of Things (IT) is a game-changer in all industries. IoT entails interoperability between devices, wearables, and objects around us by enabling real-time connection and communication. 

Consequently, IoT has boosted productivity, quality of services, and reduced costs in almost all the industries. In the health sector, the following are 5 ways IoT helps hospitals improve efficiency & reduce costs.

Reduced Errors

With the automation of processes that IoT provides, it means there are little or no errors in running various hospital operations. Humans are bound to cause mistakes that are costly to fix. However, when most processes are automated through IoT, there will be reduced errors, which in turn reduces the wastage of resources and saves on the costs.

Data management

Hospitals have to manage a massive database of patients’ information and the medical services they are offering. Collecting and managing all this data is challenging. However, IoT makes it easy to collect, store, and retrieve all this information. 

Therefore, hospitals can have a better understanding of the patients they are handling, which will help them to offer accurate and quality services.

Through the interoperability that IoT provides, hospitals can know the medical history of a patient hence reducing the need to take tests if the patients happen to change a hospital. 

Patients don’t have to commute to visit specific hospitals. Their data can be shared remotely by hospitals; hence, enabling them to enjoy health care services regardless of their geographical location.

Reduction of Human Resources

With IoT, medical staff can handle more than one patient simultaneously. Patients don’t have to travel to hospitals to get services unless when necessary. Doctors can take care of them remotely. Therefore, hospitals can reduce their workforce; hence, reducing their operating costs. Furthermore, hospitals don’t have to worry about investing in many resources, such as beds, to accommodate on-site patients.

Intelligent Management of Resources

Running a hospital smoothly requires the effective management of resources. There are highly sensitive resources such as organ storage facilities, ICU, and others that require high precision in maintaining them. It means the medical staff has to monitor them closely. 

However, with IoT, the medical staff are relieved of the burden of handling complex or repetitive yet crucial tasks. You can use IoT management to keep track of inventory for critical resources like face masks during a time of crisis. 

For example, IoT can take over the monitoring of a refrigerator for storing blood, something that would have to be undertaken by a staff who would be solely delegated to monitoring it. 

When IoT solutions provide intelligent management of resources, there will be little or no room for making errors. Furthermore, medical staff is left with more time that they can use for other areas such as taking care of patients or doing research.

Improved Drug Management

Management of drugs is a crucial element in the success of a hospital and the health care industry as a whole. A drug cannot be effective if it isn’t administered the right way, or the patient doesn’t adhere to the prescriptions. IoT solutions strive to ensure these two measures are achieved.

For one, it will be easy and fast for medical staff to diagnose patients. Once the test results are out, it will be easy for the team to retrieve the right drug or medicine to prescribe to a patient based on the test results. 

IoT solutions can match the best treatment option according to the test results. Furthermore, after the doctor prescribes a treatment, they can follow-up on a patient to ensure they fully comply with the prescription.

Hospitals can also be able to track treatment supplies easily. Once the supplies are about to diminish, they can be alerted, and they restock. This ensures at no time will a hospital run out of medical supplies unknowingly; hence, avoid disruption of service delivery.

Internet of Things is revolutionizing the health industry. From reducing errors in the operations of hospitals to enabling easy data management to cut down on human resources in hospitals, IoT solutions are bringing a significant change in this industry. 

Furthermore, IoT solutions are providing intelligent management of resources and improving the management of drugs and other treatment options. These solutions are enhancing the performance of healthcare workers and cutting down on operation costs. 

When hospitals run efficiently, they can deliver quality services in terms of accuracy and time to their patients. If you run a hospital, NetSuite Services can help you to implement the best IoT solutions that will help you boost efficiency and cut costs.