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Install the Answer to All your Data Copying Requirements- RichCopy

In many years of your office work as a computer tech, you may have felt the need to copy hundreds of files and data between systems or from one device to another like external hard drives. Usually people are lazy regarding this whole procedure and copying or cutting files and pasting them.

Surely, anyone who has tried to shift bulk data, from one device to another knows what effort and time it takes keeping in mind the endless prompts, errors related to destination file names and innumerable permissions errors which may cause incomplete transfer.

Thus, you need a better method to shift files and RichCopy is the perfect solution for you. Yes, it is a free file copying utility from Microsoft. Released as a better version of RoboCopy, it aims to offer sturdy options for shifting and copying bulk data from one system to another where the default Windows Explorer copying procedure falls flat. No tech should proceed for copying large amount of data without this handy tool.

Someone who regularly has the need to copy bulk data, should definitely give RichCopy a check. It works well with Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. All you need to do is download it and install for further use. However, what’s important is to run the utility as an Administrator and when you open it for the very first time, open “View” menu and choose “Advanced” to unleash the full potential of this program.

Microsoft richcopy works as a perfect file management tool made to help people copy several files in one go and enhance the overall speed of the procedure.

Quick Installation and Tidy look

The installation procedure is very quick and easy and the user interface is simple and intuitive for the users.

Easy to use copying actions

Choose the source path of the files you want to copy and its location output and begin the copying process.

See the logs for more details

RichCopy keeps a note of the time when copying was begun in a log file where you can also witness errors which may have come up.

Test its abilities

After testing this software, it has been found that batch copying is just like a breeze for Microsoft users and if you talk about speed, RichCopy works best on every Windows version.

Some other features to pay attention to

Nonetheless, this software comes with several other useful options which you can completely take benefit of. For instance, you can choose the software to automatically avoid the read-only flags so even when are away from the system, you know that copying is done till you return.

Other specs comprise of moving, purging, consolidating several sources and verifying. Along with it, you can copy files to FTP locations. Another benefit of using RichCopy is that it uses less CPU and memory sources.


All in all, if you are looking for a great file management program to copy several files, then Microsoft RichCopy is just the right option for you.