Ever since the concept of e-wallets came into existence, they have gained considerable prominence in the markets by addressing queries much faster and in a more cost-efficient manner for the end-users. In order to get acquainted with the e-wallets, you must first consider their benefits.
Ewallets make your life easier
The latest software implementation of the e-wallet system has helped us reap through the benefits of platforms like Moneymailme. The iOS and Android applications of this platform provides users with a global chatting option for free, which even allows them to perform video chat, share videos and other files besides transferring funds. This was the first-of-its-kind system that equipped mobile phone users with the provision of international funds transfer. Funds could be easily dispatched to far off places in an instant, which could then be withdrawn from about 160 countries.
The reason due to which such transfer of funds could be made possible is the successful implementation of the e-wallet system. It allows users to store cash once it gets converted. Being e-money, it could be digitally transferred with a single tap on your smart phone. Otherwise, you would have to invest more time for conducting such monetary transactions through other service providers. Again, upon completion of a transaction, the recipient will need to wait for a certain period (24 hours to a week) till the amount gets reflected in his account.
Imagine your daughter has been out on a vacation and lost her luggage. She still has her smart-phone as she was busy with social media. What is going to do now? The fact that she’s lost her passport now restricts her from acquiring any money transfer from her bank or western union. You can try and send her funds through Moneymailme. Once you send cash it will be reflected in her accounts, and they can view it in their smart phones. They can meet their payments once the figures shows up on their phones. If they don’t have any account, it won’t even take much time for them to open one and get the funds transferred.
The Future of Ewallets
You’re bound to come across support services rendering IT solutions for a number of these devices all over the world. Google wallet can now be availed with a number of android phones. This includes the new handsets running Nexus OS and coming from leading providers, which got upgraded to match most debit and credit cards in the US. If you take a realistic view, you’ll know that they will be around for quite some time and that they form an important segment of the entire smart-phone industry.