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Dedicated Hosting Server: Why It Is Best for Your Business

Today, most businesses have a robust online presence. Long before the pandemic got hold of the world, these businesses were trying everything in the book to woo their prospective consumers. The engagement only increased during the pandemic. According to market reports, Global eCommerce sales will cross the $4.8 trillion mark by 2021. 

A large part of this is achieved by a fully functional WordPress website, where a consumer can come to learn more about your business and carry out a transaction. A creatively and aesthetically superior website might bring in consumers, but it’s going to take a lot more than that to keep them coming back. It was found in a study that a mere 1-second delay in page load time can send the conversion rate down by 7%. 

This is where the role played by the dedicated server hosting in India becomes crucial. It is the job of the server to ensure that your WordPress website never runs into any glitches. If due to some unforeseen reasons, there is an issue, then the responsibility falls on the WordPress hosting providers to resolve it quickly. 

What is a Dedicated Server?

As the name indicates, a dedicated server is specifically allotted to just one website, unlike a shared WordPress hosting setup. It is the best option for WordPress eCommerce and large businesses that require maximum support to cater to high volumes of traffic. Dedicated servers offer a lot of benefits to its users. Let us look at them one by one. 

  1. Complete control and manoeuvrability: The foremost benefit of a dedicated server is that it allows its user to have complete control over the hosting. You can optimize the server for your needs related to storage space, RAM, CPU, hardware, software, and more. Furthermore, you have the flexibility to upgrade as and when required. 
  2. Better security and performance: Since all the resources are employed for your website, it means you get maximum uptime. It also provides better stability and functionality, resulting in enhanced user experience. A hosting server completely your own also implies that your website is secured from any other malicious site or spammers. You can offer better security when it comes to doing online transactions over SSL or FTP. 
  3. Dedicated IP address: Dedicated server means a unique and dedicated IP address. You do not have to worry anymore about your site being blacklisted or getting low SEO scores because of someone else’s doing. 
  4. Reduced overhead expense: Running a successful and booming business will not leave you with enough time and manpower to manage your hosting server yourself. Hence, it is best to have a dedicated hosting provider that can build and maintain the equipment effectively. A dedicated hosting provider will also help you in managing your website and give you round-the-clock support. 

These benefits, as listed above, come at a cost that is higher than the shared WordPress hosting options. However, if you are a large enterprise with an ever-expanding website, then a dedicated server with unlimited options is just the right choice.