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Exploring the Different Roles on a Design Team

When it comes to architecture or engineering design, you might be under the impression that one person is responsible for delivering a set of construction plans, specifications and estimates. Depending on the scale of the job, there may be one person who signs and seals the blueprints, but there’s usually a team that works together to create a set of plans. These design projects are the ultimate group assignment. Here’s what you should know about the various roles.

Being the Designer

In every team, you have the professional who is chiefly responsible for the design shown in a set of plans. This might be an architect if the design project is a building or a licensed engineer if it’s something like a bridge or some other facility. This person usually must be licensed, because they can be held liable for any errors or omissions in the design calculations. Architects and engineers usually have a bachelor’s degree in their respective fields as a minimum.

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Drafting the Plans

Many design firms have draftspersons who are key in helping to draw the plans and produce them. Known as computer aided drafting technicians, these people have specialized knowledge of software and production systems to make the plans that will bear an engineer or architect’s seal. To be a great CAD technician, you should have the ability to learn new design platforms such as Autodesk Collaborate Pro Florida.

Managing the Project

Design firms also have project managers. These are the people who lead the effort. Most PMs are also licensed architects or engineers, but they are less focused on the technical side of things and more on management. They make sure that the projects are kept on schedule and completed under budget. Many design professionals advance to a PM position after years of experience in design.

When it comes to the built environment, it takes a team to get the job done. In an architecture or engineering firm, licensed professionals, technicians and project managers collaborate to complete a set of plans. Each role has different requirements when it comes to education, training and responsibility.