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How can Infographics be used in marketing?

Given that the human brain can consume visual content 60,000 times faster than text, it is easy to understand how infographics are so effective when it comes portraying and marketing your business…especially on social media. Not only are images easier to interpret quickly, but they generally

With the continuous growth in the success and popularity of online advertising, the power of infographics is only as effective as how they are put together, after all, they can be very time consuming, so it is important that you get the most out of your time and hard work, so here’s a few tips to help you out.

  1. Keep it simple- The design obviously needs to be eye-catching,  but make sure you avoid making it too complicated that it distracts from the message you are trying to convey. A good way to test whether your audience will understand your design, is to get somebody else to read it once, If after that one time reading, they can then relay the information from the infographic clearly and easily, then you’ve done a good job. If not, you need to rethink your design and layout to make it simpler.
  2. Try not to make it all about you- obvious self-promotion is no fun for anyone, and is guaranteed to turn customers away. Of course a little bit of branding is fine, and necessary, but make sure you are always providing strong, interesting and useful content that will appeal directly to your target audience and encourage them to feel positive about your company and your content.
  3. Be wise with your colour and typography- It’s so easy to get over-excited using lots of bright colours and fancy fonts, you may even think this will make your infographic stand out to your audience…wrong. The general rule of using colour for promotion is to use no more than three colours, and stick to light backgrounds for maximum impact. Be aware of what your fonts say about your company too, it may be worth using the same fonts you use in other work in order to maintain consistency with your company’s artwork.
  4. Make a visual story-  Don’t make it all about the statistics and data (even though it pretty much is). Try and take your viewers on a journey through the information, to make it  more engaging. Tell the story of where the data originated from, how it evolved and why, using interesting shapes to guide the eye across the image.

At SeeLocal, we specialise in helping businesses set up and run successful local online advertising campaigns across all available online placements. Our platform is uniquely designed, to make it easy for businesses to manage their ads across all networks, accessing them in one easy to use online dashboard, and to choose specific target audiences to expose the ads to. We can create and design bespoke advertisements and landing pages, to ensure your campaigns are eye-catching and generate positive results every time. Get in touch, to find out what results your next online advertising campaign could generate.