Tech Edge Weekly

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Overcoming the Challenges of BOYD

Employers are smart to implement BYOD policies. Even if you’re a small business, or don’t consider yourself very tech-savvy, you still need to account for employees bringing their devices to work, and using those devices on work projects. You get several advantages, including employees who get to use software and devices with which they’re very comfortable, and a break on the amount of money you have to spend on technology. To keep the reward worth more than the risk, you need good security in your BYOD policy.

Your BYOD policy needs to cover a range of devices. Your first step should be determining which devices are not acceptable under the BYOD policy. Older smartphones that can’t run updated operating systems are vulnerable to security issues that developers have since fixed. Smartphones and tablets are also harder to protect with firewalls and other measures that work on computers and laptops. Apple iPhones connected to the T-Mobile network are known for their strong security, so updated iPhones can be safe under your BYOD policy. Android devices are a bit more vulnerable, so ensure your employees download malware protection.

Crafting a smart and effective BYOD policy involves layers of protection and employee compliance. Make the policy part of your work culture, and frequently educate your employees on any changes or upgrades you make. To find out some of the most pressing security risks in BYOD, scroll down for T-Mobile’s BYOD infographic. You’ll discover helpful solutions that you can use to shape your security policy.