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How to buy lol smurf safely?

Whatever transactions that we do online, whether it’s online shopping or buying software or application, we should always check on the legitimacy of the the product that we are about to purchase.

League of legends popularly known as LoL is a multiplayer game developed by Riot Games in 2009.  It’s actually one of the most popular e-games as of the moment.  There are 100 million players estimated to play the said game.

It’s a free play, and all you need to do to enjoy the game is to make an account which comes in free.  The things that you need to spend with in this game are the boosters.  Yes, these boosters actually make your account valued.

There are many reasons why a lot of people are drawn with the league of legends.  But the first and most popular reason is because of the intensity of the game and how players perceive it as something very exciting to play.  Also, players get to compete with other players which actually adds the excitement and fun.

When you have Lol account, you also have the chance to buy lol smurf.  Yes. buy smurf account  is something that you can buy other than your main account in lol.  This allows you to play more on the game, boost your main character while waiting for your main character to be allowed to play in the next season.  There are many players who prefer smurf accounts hence a lot of sellers can be found online too.

How to buy lol smurf?

As mentioned, there are many sellers of smurf account but there are also buyers who were scammed by purchasing from wrong sellers.  So, how do you check legitimacy with your smurf account? Check the following tips!

Go for those with warranty

The problem with those sellers that are not legit is that, the accounts that they are selling tend to be permanently banned and it’s gonna be a waste of money on your part.  Before you have fully enjoyed your account, it will be banned by the servers who have detected unsecured account.  Make sure that the seller you are transacting with offer a lifetime warranty on accounts.

Duration and account delivery

Usually, the purchased account is delivered right away once payment has been made.  If your purchased account takes time such as 24 hours before it was delivered, then your account might have problem.  To be safe, ask the seller how much time you will wait until your account will be delivered.  The best thing that you can do is to buy from reputable sellers.  If they are legit, your account will be delivered right away.

Payment methods

Be mindful too with the payment methods that the sellers are using.  Reputable websites often have various ways to collect payment. Never trust sellers that require you to transfer money directly on foreign bank accounts.  Opt for credit card payment, paypal, and other platforms that are safer when transacting fees and payments.

Prefer on unverified accounts

Once you buy lol smurf, you are the first to verify the new account.  Once the account given to you is already verified, this could only mean that someone has owned the account or has already accessed with the account.  There is also a strong possibility that the account given to you is just hacked.  Surely, if you go for these kinds of accounts, you might experience problems in the future, or worse, get your account banned from the main server.  Your money would be all wasted.  The account itself as well as the money you have used to pay for it will all be lost.  It’s such a frustrating event and no one would want that to happen.  So before you make an order, think first and weigh out things so that you’ll purchase the right accounts.